Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta on Wednesday said the sanitation system in the national capital has completely “collapsed” under the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)-led Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD).
Gupta, who led a delegation of the BJP legislators, made the statement during his meeting with MCD Commissioner Ashwini Kumar over the issues related to the sanitation system in Delhi.
Attacking the AAP, the Leader of Opposition said, “since the AAP came to power in the MCD, the city’s sanitation system has been in disarray. Trash piles up in various locations, and roads are not even being swept regularly, causing dust to accumulate on the streets, which spreads through vehicle movement, further increasing pollution in Delhi.”
“The AAP has completely failed in the Municipal Corporation. Neither Mayor Shelly Oberoi acknowledges the widespread filth in Delhi, nor does she take responsibility for it,” he said.
Expressing concern over growing garbage piles at Delhi’s three major landfill sites, Gupta pointed out that AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal had promised during the 2022 MCD elections to tackle the problem of garbage mountains. However, instead of decreasing, they have only grown bigger.
On the stray animals on roads, the Leader of Opposition said, “Stray cows and other animals stand in the middle of roads, obstructing traffic and spreading filth, while their removal is solely the responsibility of the corporation.”
Referring to the 2025 Delhi Assembly polls, Gupta said, “The AAP, mired in corruption, is certain to be ousted in the next assembly election. Once in power, the BJP will begin addressing Delhi’s issues from day one.”
Elections to 70 Assembly seats in Delhi are scheduled to be held early next year.