A head constable with the Delhi Police has committed suicide by shooting himself with his service revolver on Monday morning, inside the Prasad Nagar police station of Central Delhi.
The deceased has been identified as Monoj Kumar (51), who was posted at the Prasad Nagar police station. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Shweta Chauhan said that Manoj Kumar is survived by his wife, and two children. The reason for the suicide is not known yet, as no suicide note was found from the decease.
As stated by the deceased family, Manoj was in depression for the past few days, which is believed to be the reason for this extreme step. However, police are investigating the matter to ascertain the actual reason.
According to the police sources, the incident is of Monday morning, when a sound of firing at the first floor of the police station, created a stampede like situation in the police station. The staff of the police station rushed to the warrant room located on the first floor, where Manoj was found lying unconscious in a pool of blood, whereas, his service revolver was lying nearby.
He was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital, where he was declared dead.
Police is probing the matter to find out the reason for suicide.