The Delhi High Court has asked the police to provide protection to a woman living in a South Delhi area facing threats from land mafia in connection with a piece of land she owns in the Jamia Nagar area.
The woman has alleged she was disrobed and molested in public by these goons.
The direction was issued to the police by Justice Rajiv Shakdher on the woman’s plea alleging that the police had contacted her to settle the matter instead of taking action against the land mafia members.
Issuing the order for investigation of the matter by a senior woman police officer, the court asked the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) to look into the matter.
The woman has alleged that “the police was trying in every way to help and assist the conspirators” to take possession of her land illegally.
She has contended in her plea that she had to approach the court as even the DCW and the Commissioner of Delhi Police did not come to her rescue.
According to the woman’s plea, filed through her lawyer Kamlesh Kumar Mishra, she was provided no protection from these goons even after two earlier orders of the High Court issued in April and August 2017 in this regard.
She has alleged through her petition that 20-25 people illegally entered her house on February 23, and not only attempted to rape her but also disrobed and molested her.
Her husband suffered serious injuries in the process, and her young daughters were also threatened, the woman’s plea said.