Delhi Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Sunday directed the Chief Secretary to immediately constitute an inquiry committee to look into a case related to the alleged sexual harassment of outsourced workers at Burari Hospital here.
He asked to submit a preliminary report on the matter within 24 hours and a final report within a week.
In a note to the Chief Secretary, the minister wrote, “It has come to my knowledge from social media that some unfortunate incident related to outraging the modesty of women and sexual harassment of outsourced workers has been reported at Burari Hospital, Delhi, where an FIR dated December 19 was registered at Burari police station.”
However, it appears that the Delhi Police has adopted a “soft” approach against the accused persons, thereby causing much outrage on social media, he said.
Noting that such incidents cannot be tolerated in any situation, Bharadwaj asked to ensure that the strictest action is taken by the Delhi Police against the culprits.
The minister further said, “I have also learned that the services of accused supervisors/managers have been terminated by the outsourcing firm. However, strictest action must also be ensured against the firm if they are also found guilty.”
“An inquiry committee must be immediately constituted which should be headed by the Health Secretary and he must submit a preliminary report in 24 hours while the final report must be submitted within a week. Strictest punishment must be recommended against the culprits,” Bharadwaj directed.
The minister also asked to submit the action taken report within six hours of the receipt of this note.