Lt Governor Anil Baijal, in his reply to AAP MLA Saurabh Bhardwaj’s letter on the sealing issue has said all possible solutions are being explored to overcome the crisis, keeping in mind judicial pronouncements and extant laws.
Baijal appreciated the concern of MLAs and welcomed any constructive suggestions but strongly advised against any attempt to trivilaise the matter. Bhardwaj expressed concern over those affected by the sealing drive. The LG said he has already held a number of meetings and met and heard various stakeholders, including delegations, representing the shopkeepers and traders, to understand all facets of this critical issue.
The LG in his letter said it is a complex matter and if the MLAs have some suggestions to offer, they can communicate them in writing, or better still, through the Minister of Urban Development. The Urban Development department is responsible for processing some of the possible solutions, like notification of mixed land use streets.
Baijal said the issue concerns the livelihood of lakhs of people and the planned development of Delhi.