Extensive efforts underway to prevent cancer: Saini
Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has said that cancer is a serious illness, but if its symptoms are detected early, treatment is possible.
Over 400 people including RGCIRC doctors, childhood cancer survivors, and their families besides a large number of healthcare providers participated in the 5 km long walk.
Photo: SNS
As September is observed as childhood cancer awareness month, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute & Research Centre (RGCIRC), the pediatric cancer care centers organized a childhood cancer awareness Walk/Run titled ‘Fitathon’.
Over 400 people including RGCIRC doctors, childhood cancer survivors, and their families besides a large number of healthcare providers participated in the 5 km long walk.
According to Dr. Gauri Kapoor, Director of Pediatric Hematology & Oncology, RGCIRC, “Cancer walk was organized to spread the message that childhood cancer is highly curable if it is detected early and treated at specialized hospitals.”
Dr Kapoor further said, “More than 70 percent of cancer cases in children are curable.”
Participants, especially the younger ones also engaged in other physical exercises such as squats, planks, and crunches.
“Besides spreading awareness on childhood cancer, we wanted to give a larger message of a healthy lifestyle through the walk and associated physical activities,” said Dr. Sudhir Rawal, Medical Director, RGCIRC.
He added, “Though there is no known cause in over 90% of the pediatric cancer cases, there is a need to inculcate healthy habits right from childhood since a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer to a large extent.”
Childhood and adult cancers are not the same and childhood cancers are highly curable.
Childhood cancer is very rare but it is important to identify the red flag signs and refer such children to specialized pediatric cancer centers for proper diagnosis immediately.
Unfortunately, many times symptoms and signs of childhood cancer may not be very unique and may mimic common childhood illnesses, stated RGICRC in a press statement.
Cure rates in India are less since patients have already reached an advanced stage of cancer by the time they present themselves at specialized centers.