

Police Families Welfare Society organized Annual Sports Meet in Delhi

The sports meet graced by 8 teams had different disciplines like Athletics, Badminton, Shooting, Wrestling, Basketball, Football, Kabaddi and Volleyball were held at different locations in Delhi.  

Police Families Welfare Society organized Annual Sports Meet in Delhi

(Photo: Delhi Police)

Police Families Welfare Society (PFWS) under the leadership of its president Anu Asthana alongwith Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) organized an Annual Sports Meet 2022 under its banner “Mission Olympics 2022” from 11th February to 19th February 2022.

The sports meet graced by 8 teams had different disciplines like Athletics, Badminton, Shooting, Wrestling, Basketball, Football, Kabaddi and Volleyball were held at different locations in Delhi.


The sports meet culminated with its closing ceremony at New Police Lines Sports Ground, Kingsway Camp on 19.2.2022 which was graced by Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana as its Chief Guest.


A total of 600 sportsmen in 8 different disciplines belonging to different clubs and associations across Delhi participated in the Annual Sports meet 2022 organized by PFWS.
