The city identified 40 fresh cases of Covid-19 on Thursday out of 49,912 tests conducted in various parts of the national capital, according to the data available from the Delhi government’s latest health bulletin.
This showed a marked decline in the count of such cases, which yesterday numbered 54 with 57,900 tests done for detecting new cases.
The positivity rate stood at 0.08 per cent.
There were no deaths caused by the coronavirus. Sixty-one patients who recovered were discharged by various hospitals.
The health bulletin showed that the count of active cases was 367 and the patients getting medication under the home isolation system were reported to be 165 in all.
The number of people in the city who got their first Covid-19 vaccine dose during the past 24 hours was 19,676 and the cumulative figure for those who got their both vaccine doses so far was 77,45,579.