

Manish Sisodia releases coffee-table book on Mahatma Gandhi

Though Delhi gave him so much love, respect and support, unfortunately, it was also this city where he breathed his last, Sisodia added.

Manish Sisodia releases coffee-table book on Mahatma Gandhi

Manish Sisodia. (Photo:twitter@msisodia)

Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia launched a coffee-table book, “Bapu – The Unforgettable”, here today to commemorate the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.

A webinar on ‘Footprints of Gandhi Ji in Delhi’ was also inaugurated by him with key speakers being Manisha Saxena, Secretary (Archives/ACL), Mohammad A. Abid, Special Secretary (ACL), Prof. Sucheta Mahajan (JNU), Sohail Hashmi (Historian & Heritage Walker) and Rajmani Srivastava (Retd. Assistant Director, NAI).


Speaking at the launch of the book, Sisodia said, “This book cannot fulfil the void created by the absence of Bapu, but it can certainly make us think, give us ideas, give us a glimpse of his philosophy.”


He added, “There are several untouched aspects of history in this book, a lot of photographs, epigraphs and several other details about Delhi which we usually do not get to see.”

Sisodia said during these times when there were a lot of stories about the social decline, there was dire need for Gandhian values. Congratulating the Art and Culture Department for the meaningful event, Sisodia said time and again this department had been organizing events showcasing the unseen events of Baapu’s life.

The department has also been working with the same zeal and enthusiasm as it had been working before the pandemic. Gandhiji had a phenomenal relationship with India’s capital.

Though his birth and upbringing happened in Porbandar, Gujarat, he used the tool of non-violence the first time in South Africa but from 1915 to 1948, he visited Delhi 80 times and stayed in this historic city for 720 days, Sisodia pointed out. Gandhiji also set up some prominent institutions in Delhi such as the Harijan Sevak Sangh (Kingsway Camp), Khadi Ashram (Narela) and Valmiki Basti, and also inaugurated Modern School, Lakshminarayan Temple and Hindustan Times.

Though Delhi gave him so much love, respect and support, unfortunately, it was also this city where he breathed his last, Sisodia added.
