Lieutenant Governor of Delhi VK Saxena on Friday approved Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia’s tour to the US to attend an educational convention. Sisodia along with his Secretary and Secretary, Education, will attend the TESOL Education Convention in Portland, the US.
A press note issued by Raj Niwas on Friday reads: “Delhi LG, VK Saxena has approved a foreign tour by Deputy CM, Manish Sisodia, his Secretary and Secretary (Education).”
Sisodia sent a proposal to the L-G, seeking approval for his foreign tour as he wanted to attend the event, organised by the TESOL Education Convention in Portland city, Oregon, US.”
The L-G has however articulated haziness over Sisodia’s proposal and said that it is unclear who (organizers of the event or the Delhi government) will bear the travel expense of the minister.
“The proposal lacks clarity as to who will bear the expenses of Sisodia’s visit. While in one para, the Department has noted that ‘all expenses of the visit by Deputy CM will be borne by the TESOL and there will be no financial liability on the government’, a subsequent para further says that, ‘all expenses of the visit by Deputy CM will be borne by the General Administrative Department (GAD), Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (GNCTD)’,” the press note adds.
Despite the contradiction, Saxena agreed to the proposal.
“The LG, despite noting that both these statements were contradictory to each other and it was not clear as to whether the Delhi Government will bear the expenses for Sisodia’s visit or not, gave in principle approval for the proposed visit, subject to the requisite clearances from the concerned Ministries in the Govt. of India, including FCRA clearances from the Central Government, as is the case with every Foreign Visit undertaken by any Minister or officer of any State,” Raj Niwas further said in the press note.