The Delhi Police in the presence of Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena and Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora on Tuesday destroyed illegal drugs worth Rs 1,600 crore in the international market.
The illicit drugs were destroyed as per the procedure at the incinerator located at the SSI industrial area in Jahangirpuri at the GT Karnal road.
These banned drugs included Ganja, heroin, charas, cocaine, Doda Post and Psychotropic Substance, and others.
The Delhi Police said the process of destroying the illegal drugs will continue in the future in this manner as part of the fight against this menace.
As per the Additional Commissioner of Police, Crime, Sanjay Bhatia, the total volume of the illegal drugs destroyed was 10631.745 kilograms.
According to the notification of the Government of India, the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), and the order of the Supreme Court, various committees were formed by the Delhi Police to destroy the illegal drugs recovered from the drug smugglers.
As per the vision envisaged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, the union government is vigorously pursuing a policy of ‘Zero Tolerance’ against drugs.
The Union Home Minister Amit Shah has time and again conveyed his resolve to root out the menace of drugs and has constantly emphasized taking stringent action against all drug traffickers and eradicating this evil from the country.
Accordingly, the campaign against drugs is being sincerely implemented by the Delhi Police under the guidance of the LG Delhi and the Delhi Police chief.
Various operations and campaigns are being run by the districts and units of Delhi Police to crack down on the menace of drugs, and directions have been given to take strong actions against the narco-offenders.