Following Karnataka Assembly elections result on Tuesday, opposition leader Vijender Gupta advised the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to focus on development of Delhi “rather than burning its fingers by contesting in other states.”
Gupta said that AAP’s dismal performance in Karnataka elections once again underlines complete absence of people’s faith in the Kejriwal-led party. “The party had contested the elections on the basis of its performance in Delhi in the field of education and healthcare. It boasted that its work is winning accolades internationally. It had offered itself to voters as honest alternative,” Gupta remarked.
The LoP also said that it spoke volumes that AAP candidates could not win even a single seat out of 28 the party contested across the state. All its candidates put together could muster only 21,000 votes.
No candidate could muster enough votes to even save his security deposit. Most of the candidate got only low three-figure votes and as many as 16 candidates could not cross the figure of 500 votes.
Gupta said that AAP had claimed that “our work in Delhi has given us confidence that we can do wonders in Karnataka too”. AAP Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh had claimed that fighting corruption was their main plank but the people of Karnataka were not convinced by tall claims. They simply rejected the party in totality, Gupta quipped.
He said, “AAP must learn from Karnataka as well as Goa where it could not win even a single seat. It must focus on development of Delhi rather than burning its fingers by contesting in other states.”