Aiming for a clean and greener Delhi, Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot announced on Thursday that the ‘Gramin Sewa’ public transport service would soon be replaced with electric alternatives.
The decision has been taken as the existing Gramin Seva vehicles running on CNG are nearing the end of their 15-year lifespan.
Briefing on the transition, the transport minister said, “By replacing the old vehicles with electric ones, we are not only taking a significant step towards reducing pollution but also enhancing the travel experience of commuters. These new electric vehicles will offer greater comfort and efficiency, improving the overall quality of life for Delhi’s residents.”
The government has also issued guidelines for the transition from the Gramin Sewa vehicles to electric vehicles according to which the vehicle owner has to first apply for his registeration online through Aadhar card or Enrollment ID. Once registered, the registration authority will issue a No Due Certificate within seven days after verifying that the vehicle has no dues including unpaid taxes or fines.
After obtaining a no due certificate, the owner should take his vehicle to an authorised scrapping facility within 15 days and get a Certificate of Deposit (COD) after it is scrapped.
After the obtaining the NDC and COD, the owner can purchase a new electric Gramin Sewa vehicle with a capacity for six passengers from an authorised dealer.
The owner must apply online for new registration with documents like the NDC, COD, Aadhar, tax invoice, and other paperwork from the vehicle manufacturer.
The Registering Authority will verify all details and update the vehicle’s registration under the Gramin Sewa Scheme. The new vehicle will receive a permit for the same route as the old one.
Launched in 2011, the Gramin Sewa serves as a means of transport for passengers commuting in rural Delhi. Currently, there are more than 2,000 such services on the roads.