For the first time in Delhi, eight women inspectors have been appointed as SHOs by the Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana in several police stations of Delhi. Out of the 55 SHOs appointed, 44 are inspectors who have been given the post for the first time.
Chinmoy Biswal, the Delhi Police Public Relations Officer, said that eight women inspectors have been posted as SHOs, thus giving them the chance to play a bigger role. This is the first time that so many women have been appointed as SHO.
“It is to strengthen the Delhi Police’s efforts to raise a dedicated security battalion to handle high-risk installation security in the capital, including that of the courts. Similarly, training and human resource development will get a big boost from the posting of eight experienced inspectors with field experience as SHOs,” Biswal said.
The eight women SHOs are Dominka Purty, Alpana Sharma, Roshlin Punam Minz, Poonam Pareek, Pratibha Sharma, Harjinder Kaur, Kamini Gupta, and Sapna Duggal.
After this new development, Delhi now has nine women SHOs who were appointed within a month. In the latest order, 34 officers who served as SHOs for more than five years have been transferred to various units. Of them, 8 inspectors have been posted in the Police Training College and 18 have been posted in the Security Wing and.
According to Delhi Police, the new transfers will play a huge role in further strengthening the police force both in terms of efficiency and manpower. In the last month, 65 out of 79 new SHOs appointed were newcomers.