The Delhi University Students Union (DUSU) led by ABVP has removed the busts of Bhagat Singh, Vinayak Damodar Savarkar and Subhash Chandra Bose from the university campus after a backlash from the Congress students wing NSUI.
On Tuesday, the former DUSU president Shakti Singh installed the bursts outside the Arts Faculty gate in the North campus, without permission from the university administration.
Late on Friday, when the busts were removed, Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the RSS student wing said in a statement, “The act of insulting the idols of Bhagat Singh, Savarkar and Subhash Chandra Bose by the NSUI has exposed the distorted mindset of the Congress.”
ABVP further said that the university administration had assured it that the busts of the freedom fighters will be re-installed after the DUSU elections, in accordance with the procedure required.
Singh earlier said they had approached the university administration several times for permission to install the busts, but there was no response. “I know the process of installing the statue might be debatable, but we, at the ABVP, follow nationalism and Savarkar was one of the greatest freedom fighters.”
On Wednesday, the National Students Union of India (NSUI) members had put a garland of shoes around Savarkar’s bust and blackened its face.
The NSUI on Thursday justified its act calling Savarkar a “traitor” and accused the ABVP of trying to ‘saffronise’ the Delhi University.
ABVP Delhi’s State Secretary Sidharth Yadav said, “It is very unfortunate that the DU administration turned a deaf ear to DUSU’s demand for installation of busts of freedom fighters, for a very long time. The university should restore these idols, as per their assurances, at the earliest.”