Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC), Dept of Environment, Govt. of NCT of Delhi has now relaxed the restrictions put on the height on the Durga Puja Idol vide their corrigendum 28.8.2019.
Organizers of Durga Pujas in Delhi were facing difficulties due to the restrictions on the height of idols put up by Delhi Pollution Control Committee.
With Durga Puja festivities round the corner, the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) had issued an order in early July, ceiling the maximum height of idols at five feet, prompting the organizers to raise the issue with Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.
Earlier, a delegation of the New Delhi Kali Bari (NDKB), Mandir Marg, a premiere institution of Delhi met Delhi CM Kejriwal and conveyed that the five feet height of idols is not unacceptable which would restrict the glimpse of Mother Durga during large gatherings.
Considering the above appeal, a meeting was headed by Director of Environment Arun Kumar held on 22.8.2019 with other committee members of DPCC and in presence of Swapan Ganguly, member NDKB. The Committee has decided to relax the restriction of Idol provided all other clauses of the directions issued earlier are complied rigorously.
Swapan Ganguly, member NDKB said, “Although we are now happy and relieved, we are now looking for the places of immersion of Idols somewhere near Yamuna which we would hopefully sort out shortly.
“On behalf of Joint Durga Puja Procession Committee of Delhi, headed by NDKB, we are also requesting our fellow organizers to restrict the height of idol and adhere on other directions issued by DPCC,” he added.