In the wake of a recent incident of harassment of medical students and young doctors, the Delhi Medical Association (DMA) formed an eight-member special task force to address the grievance of young professionals.
The task force was formed amid the recent incident, where a 36-year-old PhD student at AIIMS allegedly attempted suicide, accusing his supervisor of mental harassment, abuse and delay in his fellowship.
“The anti-harassment task force will look into any kind of complaints by the students of any type of harassment they are facing during their studies /carrier. It will take every necessary step to make their studies/carrier a comfortable journey to become a better doctor,” the DMA said in a statement.
The task force shall be available 24×7 to take complaints from young doctors and shall try to create an environment of faith and belief between the teachers and students, DMA claimed.
Delhi Medical Council chairman and registrar will be invited members of the task force to help taking action against the offences which shall be amounting to be unethical and criminal in nature.
“Delhi Medical Association is deeply concerned about the ongoing incidences of exploitation and harassment to young doctors during their studies at various plateaus of their carrier. The repeated incidence has shaken the confidence of the profession at large,” the statement added.