Delhi Police has returned more than Rs 7.55 crore in cash and other valuable case properties such as golden or silver ornaments or articles studded with precious stones to their rightful owners over the last six months, according to a press release issued by Delhi Police here today.
These articles had been lying in the custody of the city police for the past several years.
They were returned to their owners by 15 police districts and their respective police stations, the release said.
The drive to hand over such case properties to their rightful owners was launched on the direction of Delhi Police commissioner S N Shrivastava with effect from 1 June this year, the release said.
Delhi Police reviewed the process of returning of recovered/seized stolen property to its rightful owners and launched the drive accordingly, which “yielded noticeable results”.
It noted with regard to valuable articles that “it was of no use to keep such articles in police custody for years till the trial was over”.
“Accordingly, requests were made by the SHOs to concerned Metropolitan Magistrates under Section 451 Cr.P.C. to hand over the case property to their rightful owners. Similarly, vehicles, mobile phones, laptops, PCs, CCTVs etc. were also returned, after completing the necessary formalities as per law, to their rightful owners,” the release stated.
“During the period from 01st June, 2020 to 05th November, 2020, Rs 7,55,62,133 in cash and gold jewellery approx. 3795.12 gms. recovered in different cases was handed over to their rightful owners,” the release added.