The Delhi Police has filed a case in connection with a video where a man can be seen firing bullets in the air during a wedding function in East Delhi, the police said on Tuesday.
The police took cognizance of the video that went viral on social media, and began the probe into the matter as per the law after registering an FIR. The incident is said to have happened on Sunday.
In the purported video, a man can be seen firing bullets in the air with a pistol at a wedding function at Gharoli village in East Delhi, which falls under Ghazipur Police Station. The video of the same was circulated over social media and was also uploaded on platform ‘X.’
It is said that three rounds were fired by the man who is the groom’s father, also seen brandishing a pistol in the video.
The man has been identified in this regard and an FIR under appropriate provision of the Arms Act and other relevant sections of law including an act of endangering life or personal safety has been registered, said the police.
It was also found that the man was in possession of a valid license for a pistol, while further investigation was underway in the matter.