Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Wednesday announced regularisation of 700 employees of the Delhi Jal Board who had been working on a contract basis for a long time.
He handed over a regularisation certificate to these employees at a function held at the Delhi Secretariat for this purpose.
He claimed, “This was for the first time in the history of the Delhi government that temporary employees on such a large scale had been made part of the regular staff of the government.”
Kejirwal added, “The regularisation of these contract employees has been possible because the Delhi Jal Board is under the control of the Delhi government. It is hoped that this major step will serve as a precedent for other states to take similar steps for the benefit of their staff.”
The Chief Minister asserted that it was not right to say that regular employees did not work honestly and with dedication. It is a myth which must be busted, he said.
Kejriwal accepted that the achievements of the Delhi government in the fields of education, health care, electricity supply, water supply and other areas were possible mainly because of the “honest functioning” of the employees concerned.
“Improvements in the functioning of Delhi’s schools, hospitals, power supply network and water supply arrangement, appreciated all over the country, have been made because of the efforts of employees”, he pointed out.