The Delhi government on Thursday has directed the DPCC to levy a fine of Rs 50 lakhs on the North MCD for negligence in the case of fire at the Bhalswa landfill site. These orders have been issued on the basis of the report submitted by DPCC.
The Environment Ministry has also issued a number of directions to MCD based on the DPCC report.
“These measures include permanent tanker stations at the top of landfill sites, the construction of a peripheral road for ease of transportation, and the expansion of field workers,” stated Delhi government.
In addition, the four-member teams including DPCC, East, and North MCD have been given orders for the Mumbai tour on Monday, 2nd May to study the working model of Mumbai’s landfill sites gas sucking system.
Reacting to the report given by DPCC, Environment Minister Gopal Rai said, “Bhalswa landfill site caught fire as a result of North MCD’s irresponsibility. The fire broke out at roughly 5.30 p.m. on 26th April in the Bhalswa landfill site, engulfing around 1 acre of ground due to limited availability of water tankers and negligence by MCD.”
“Orders have also been given to DPCC to levy a punishment of Rs. 50 lakhs on the North MCD’s negligence. In addition, the department has issued instructions to create permanent water tanker stations and increase field workers in light of the insufficient water supply on the Bhalswa landfill site in order to prevent future such incidents. Furthermore, the Ministry has issued orders to construct peripheral roads for easy transportation at the landfill sites so that quick actions may be taken at the time of such events”, he further added.
Rai further said, “According to the report, constant discharge of methane gas from these landfill sites , rising temperatures in Delhi, and a dry atmosphere are among those main reasons behind the regular fires in landfill sites.”
“To regulate the continuously emitted methane gas, the Ministry has also issued orders to use Mumbai’s gas sucking mechanism as a permanent solution. For whose field visit and data collection a 4-member team of DPCC and East and North MCD will visit Mumbai on Monday, 2nd May. These include senior environmental engineer DK Singh from DPCC and environmental engineer Rajiv Sharma,” Rai added.
On the incidences of fire at landfill sites, Environment Minister urged the MCD, DPCC, and related agencies to take all necessary efforts to prevent such accidents in the future.