Attacking the ruling Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government in the capital city, Leader of Opposition in the Delhi Municipal Corporation (MCD) Sardar Raja Iqbal Singh on Thursday alleged that the AAP government is delaying the release of funds to the corporation.
He stated that the Delhi government is deliberately delaying the release of funds to the corporation so that the employees face problems in getting their salaries.
Iqbal further added that the government has yet to release Rs 24.72 crore to the corporation as the first instalment and Rs 1,576.42 crore as the second instalment, bringing the total due amount to Rs 1,618.29 crore.
As per the rules, the Delhi government is required to release the amount as grant to the corporation in three instalments: 25 per cent of the total amount in the first quarter, 50 per cent in the second quarter, and the remaining 25 per cent in the third quarter.
Iqbal pointed out that in accordance with the established rules, the civic organisation was to be allotted Rs 24.72 crore in the first quarter. Out of the Rs 1,576.42 due, Rs 205.54 crore was not released under the health head, Rs 1,015.55 crore under the education head, and Rs 374.85 crore under the urban development head.
He added that the amount allotted under the education head covers teachers’ salaries, as well as the repair and maintenance of schools. The amount under the heath head is used for the treatment and prevention of mosquito-borne diseases and the purchase of medicines, while the amount under the urban development head is used for the repair and construction of roads.
The delay in the release of the funds has caused a hindrance in the development works carried out by the corporation, Iqbal said.
The Leader of Opposition alleged that despite AAP being in power at both the state and MCD levels, it is not releasing funds. He added that the party is engaged in corrupt practices. He also warned that if the funds are not released soon, BJP councillors will oppose the AAP government in the House.