

Delhi BJP urges AAP Govt to provide vegetables at subsidised rates

The BJP requested the AAP government for special vans in each Municipal ward be sent to sell subsidised vegetables.

Delhi BJP urges AAP Govt to provide vegetables at subsidised rates

(Representational Image: iStock)

Delhi BJP Spokesperson Praveen Shankar Kapoor drew the attention of the state government towards the unprecedented rise in the prices of vegetables in the city leading to enormous hardship to the residents, especially those belonging to economically weaker sections.

In a letter to the Food & Civil Supplies Minister of Delhi Imran Hussain, Kapoor mentioned the unusual rise in prices of essentials saying basic vegetables like potatoes are selling at Rs 40 to 50 per kg, onion at Rs 50 to 60 per kg and tomato at Rs 90 to Rs 100 per kg and have gone beyond the purchasing capacity of the people belonging to economically weaker sections and the lower middle class.

Similarly, vegetables like ladyfinger, arbi, toori, tinda, begun, gwaar ki phali are all selling at above Rs 100 a kg leading to a crisis for the weaker sections, Kapoor claimed.


The Delhi BJP spokesperson urged the minister to attend to this vegetable crisis and immediately provide the essentials at subsidised rates so that the consumers could overcome the crisis.

He requested the minister for special vans in each Municipal ward be sent to sell subsidised vegetables.
