The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has summoned East MCD Commissioner over sexual assault of two eight year old girls in a MCD primary school. The Commission has also issued notice to Delhi Police seeking immediate arrest of the accused.
The Commission was informed that the incident took place on 30 April in an MCD run school in Delhi’s Bhajanpura area. On the said date, the girl students were waiting for their teacher inside the class after the school assembly when an unknown person entered the class.
“He then allegedly removed the clothes of a girl and muttered obscenities to her and then walked over to another girl and repeated the same,” stated DCW in a press statement.
Seeing the severity of the matter, the Commission has issued a notice to Delhi Police seeking immediate arrests. Further, the Commission has summoned East MCD Commissioner and given him 48 hours to appear before the Commission.
The Commission has sought a detailed report on the incident from MCD along with reasons for the security lapse and action taken against those responsible for the same. Besides, the Commission has sought, both from Delhi Police and MCD, the details of action taken against the school principal and the class teacher under POCSO Act for not reporting the crime to Delhi Police and attempting to conceal the same.
In addition, the Commission has also asked East MCD to provide CCTV footage of the school along with details of provisions in place in the school for keeping a check on visitors.
“In case the school does not have CCTV cameras, the East MCD Commissioner has been asked to inform the reasons for the same and whether any proposal for installation of CCTV cameras is pending before East MCD,” added DCW.
DCW Chief Swati Maliwal while expressing her agony over the matter said, “I am deeply disturbed that such a grave and shocking incident of sexual assault has happened with little children right inside the MCD school premises.”
She added, “A school is supposed to be a safe place for children. It is totally unacceptable that such a grievous crime happened in broad day light in the school and instead of reporting it, the authorities tried to hush up the matter. MCD must explain as to how was this allowed to happen? Delhi Police must immediately arrest the accused and initiate action under the POCSO Act against those responsible for trying to conceal the matter. I have issued summons to Commissioner, East MCD and Notice to Delhi Police and shall ensure that accountability is fixed.”