The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) on Thursday issued a notice to Department for Women and Child Development, Delhi Government seeking a detailed report on the condition of shelter homes housing women and girls in Delhi.
The Commission over the past several years has been regularly visiting shelter homes and raising the shortcomings therein.
In 2018-19, the DCW had roped in an independent agency ‘Koshish’ – Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) to conduct social audit of all shelter homes in Delhi housing women and girls. A team of TISS had visited 83 government and private run shelter homes and audited the same on various aspects including the infrastructure, facilities provided, rehabilitation and restoration efforts amongst others.
DCW had shared the report of TISS on the condition of shelter homes in Delhi with the Department of Women and Child. A high – level meeting was held in the Delhi Secretariat in 2019 wherein the Department was asked to take remedial measures for improving conditions of shelter homes and submit an Action Taken Report of the same.
The Commission through the notice has asked the Department of Women and Child to inform the current status of all the shortcomings pointed out by the Commission over the years along with a copy of the Action Taken Report on the recommendations submitted by Commission and TISS.
Besides, the Commission has also asked the Department to inform whether any cases of sexual assault and harassment have been reported from the shelter homes since January 2020 and the action that was taken on them.
“The Department has also been asked to inform the Commission whether any staff of the shelter homes were suspended and the reasons for the same,” stated DCW in a press statement.
DCW Chairperson Swati Maliwal stated, “The poorest of the poor and the most wronged end up in shelter homes. It is the first and foremost duty of all Governments to look after those living in shelter homes, whether run privately or by the State. The Commission continues to monitor the well being of those living in the shelter homes and shall work with the Government to improve their condition. The information is being sought from the Government to ensure that the best facilities are provided to the women and children in shelter homes who most need them.”