Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday took part in the Sunderkand recitation programme organised at a temple in the Rohini area of the national capital along with his wife.
Sharing his experience on the micro-blogging site “X”, Delhi CM said, “For worshiping lord taking part in the Sunderkand recital I have come to Rohini with wife.”
All Delhi MLAs are expected to take part in the programmes of Sunderkand paath at their respective constituencies across the city along with local party leaders and councilors, as well as the organisation members.
The programme of reciting ‘Sundarkand’ (a chapter from the Hindu epic of Ramayana) is being held in the national capital in commemoration of the consecration of Ram temple in Ayodhya to be held on January 22.
Greeting the people of the country on the occasion, the AAP has conveyed to the members of its organisation to pray to the Almighty for a smooth and comprehensive consecration of the Ram Mandir.
Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj also took part in a recital of the Sundarkand organised in the Chirag Dilli area. He had announced on Monday that the recital of ‘Sundarkand’ would be organised across the city.
Bharadwaj declared that the recital would be organised on the first Tuesday of every month.
Recalling that such programmes used to be organised by the party and its MLAs at their respective levels in different assembly constituencies of Delhi, the minister said now the decision has been taken to organise the recital in a structured manner.
He said their party would first organise the recital of Sundarkand at the assembly level. After that it would be done at the ward level, and then at the Mandal level.
As part of this initiative, Sundarkand will be organised at some places while chanting of Hanuman Chalisa will be held at other places,” the culture minister had said.
Sunderkand is a chapter in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana, and is named so because it is believed to be a beautiful and significant portion of the text which focuses on the adventures of Lord Hanuman as he searches for Lord Ram’s wife Sita in the kingdom of Lanka.
Sundarkand is believed to remove afflictions, worries and mental agony. It enhances hope, courage, and confidence.