Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday iterated that his government has the power over the services and that if the Centre or the Lieutenant Governor (LG) are in any confusion they should approach the Supreme Court.
Speaking to reporters after inspecting the development works in Kirari Assembly constituency, Kejriwal said LG Anil Baijal and the Centre were interpreting the Supreme Court’s 4 July order “in a strange way”.
“The Supreme Court’s 4 July order made it clear that the elected state government has the power over transfer and posting of its bureaucrats and if the Centre, represented by the LG, was in any confusion they should approach the apex court,” Kejriwal said.
When asked if he would approach the court over the services dispute, Kejriwal said, “The LG and the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) are the ones having confusion and they should approach the court.”
“We do not have any confusion,” said the supremo of the ruling AAP. Kejriwal also said the Centre accepted the “files and concurrence” part of the apex court’s order, but was not ready to accept the order relating to services.
“This is not done,” he said, adding “you cannot accept the order as per your wish”. “On one hand, the MHA is saying they are not interfering in the works of the LG, but they themselves in a statement released on Friday said they have asked the LG to wait for the Supreme Court’s order on services,” the CM said.
He again asserted that the apex court’s judgment has clearly stated that except three subjects ~ police, land and public order ~ the executive powers on all other subjects, including the services, will be vested in the elected Delhi government.
“This judgment is law now, they are not following it. It is contempt of the court,” he charged. In the wake of the Supreme Court Constitution Bench’s 4 July verdict that the LG has no independent decision-making power and is bound by aid and advice of the elected state government, the power tussle has intensified between the AAP government and the LG over the control of services in the national capital.
Kejriwal on Friday had sought time from Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh for meeting him in a bid to urge the Centre to follow the apex court’s ruling.
Meanwhile, after his visit to the two areas in Kirari, the CM said that development of the unauthorised colonies was one of the prime agendas of the AAP government, but it was delayed due to alleged interference by the LG.
However, the projects would be speeded up now following the apex court’s ruling. “Now, the projects would be carried out on war footing. All budget required for the development works in these colonies all over Delhi, especially roads and drains, would be sanctioned within 15 days time,” Kejriwal said.