BJP workers, led by state BJP president Adesh Gupta and leader of the Opposition Delhi Assembly Ramvir Singh Bidhuri on Wednesday staged a demonstration at Jantar Mantar protesting the new excise policy of the Delhi government which came into force today.
Delhi government, led by chief minister Arvind Kejriwal could have found alternative ways to enhance the revenue, instead of announcing a new excise policy, said Adesh Gupta while addressing at the demonstration. Kejriwal claimed many times that Delhi budget is in surplus, so announcing the new excise police is not rational, alleged Gupta.
Kejriwal is pushing the youth towards alcoholism by opening more liquor shops in Delhi and later Delhi police would be blamed which comes under the central government for deteriorating law and order situation, alleged Gupta.
BJP legislators had opposed strongly when the new excise policy was tabled in the Assembly, claimed Bidhuri.
Delhi can’t become a liquor city, but the Kejriwal government argued this new excise policy would help enhance revenue by additional Rs 15000 crore and Delhi’s youngsters would easily get quality liquor, alleged Bidhuri.
Kejriwal came to power with poll promises by opening new schools, colleges, hospitals, flyovers, water treatment plants, but nothing took place, alleged the leader of the Opposition. After collapsing Delhi transport system, the state government has implemented a new excise policy to increase its revenue, Bidhuri pointed out.