The Delhi BJP leadership on Saturday said that the party would raise 20 ‘serious issues’ related to people, including the sealing of eateries and shops in Delhi and attitude of the Delhi government in notifying 351 roads besides proposed hike in the power tariff during the upcoming Assembly session beginning 15 January.
Addressing a news conference, leader of opposition Vijender Gupta said that in a letter written to the Speaker of the Assembly, the BJP demanded that discussion should be held on the issue of sealing, power and water tariffs, Metro, health issues and deaths due to cold conditions in the capital.
“The return of the file by Delhi government pertaining to notification of 351 roads pending for last 10 years proves that on the one hand there is red tapism in the working of government and on the other the Arvind Kejriwal government is working with the malice towards the people of Delhi,” he alleged.
Gupta claimed that in 2007 the municipal corporations had surveyed the roads in accordance with the Delhi Master Plan-2021 and after passing a preamble and proposal, they first forwarded a list of 2183 roads and subsequently another 351 roads to the government for notification but the then Congress government under Sheila Dikshit notified the 351 roads. Leader of opposition mentioned that those 351 roads were connected with rural Delhi, unauthorised colonies and East Delhi.
He announced that “BJP will also raise the issue of nexus between Kejriwal government and private hospitals/schools, which has been manifested in the case of Max Hospital along with the failure of the government to fill the EWS quota in the admission to the private schools,” said Gupta.