Delhi BJP workers on Wednesday staged a protest demonstration against land reportedly allotted by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) at Ghonda Gujran Khadar and Sonia Vihar for solid waste management.
The protesters said that the decision would not only spoil the O-Zone (Yamuna river and water body area) but result in serious diseases for inhabitants.
The party president, Manoj Tiwari, while addressing the workers at protest venue, attributed the garbage disposal crisis to Congress party and AAP-led Delhi government.
He said, “the Congress which ruled Delhi for a long time and the present AAP government are responsible for the crisis connected with garbage disposal. The successive Congress governments in Delhi allowed unauthorised colonies to come up but did not frame any concrete policy for garbage disposal. Even if some policies were framed they were not implemented.”
Tiwari said that the public land continued to be grabbed and the governments did not rise from its slumber. The Congress Governments and the present Kejriwal government did not take action on public land grabbing for the purpose of vote bank politics and now lakhs of people were facing a grave crisis, the Delhi BJP unit chief claimed.
He said, “we will not allow 20 lakh people of the area to suffer due to mismanagement of garbage and with the cooperation of the people we will force Delhi government to make alternative arrangement for this purpose.”
He also asked the state government that why it wanted to spoil the Yamuna river which was the lifeline of the Capital in spite of the fact that 70 acres land in Tikri village (an alternative site) was available.
“One cannot understand the logic behind allowing landfill site by removing the camps of security forces situated in Sonia Vihar when land is available in an uninhabited area. It is necessary to investigate who wants to poison the Yamuna river,” said Tiwari.