Delhi Police Commissioner Rakesh Asthana today inaugurated the Knowledge Centre at Police Headquarters today.
The Knowledge Centre is a facility that seeks to provide an enabling learning environment to the police personnel of all ranks by providing them access to a large variety of books, publications, journals, online resources and audiovisual content related to their areas of work as well as on general issues.
Located on the 10th Floor of the new Police Headquarters, the Knowledge Centre presently has more than 3000 books and publications related to various topics of policing such as law, forensics, technology, terrorism, etc. It also has a state-to-the-art IT infrastructure that enables access to a wide variety of online resources in a user-friendly manner.
On the occasion, Asthana appreciated the design of the Knowledge Centre and hoped that it would serve as knowledge-cum-relaxation center.
The joy of reading is incomparable to any other form of media, and the growing use of the internet or mobile-based content cannot be a replacement for reading, the Delhi Police Commissioner said.
It is a good facility for the officers and men to maintain their reading habits and keep themselves updated by regular reading of the latest relevant journals and other available material.