Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj said on Wednesday that he has sent a note to the health secretary asking him to share the report on Covid cases in the city and inform about the genome sequencing report of the positive samples.
On the cases of the latest JN.1 variant, the health minister said it can be verified only after the genome sequencing.
Bharadwaj further said that 250 to 400 RTPCR tests are being conducted on a daily basis in the city and the situation is being closely monitored.
He informed that the new cases were reported mostly from the southern region of the country. On the new strain, he reiterated that it is not very dangerous, but mild. However, he asked people to take precautions to avoid getting infected and stay safe.
On the status of Covid patients, the minister said going by the latest update 4- 5 Covid patients were admitted to the hospitals but no death was reported due to Covid in Delhi in the recent past.
On the number of fresh cases, he said based on the update on Tuesday, there were two positive cases reported in Delhi.
A few days ago, the health minister had said 90 per cent of the cases did not require hospitalisation as the patients could be treated and recovered under home isolation, while very few required oxygen and ventilators.
Currently, the active Covid case load on the country stands at 4,093, according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare data on Wednesday.