Delhi Police have arrested four miscreants after a brief exchange of fire at Jharoda Kalan of the city’s Dwarka area, official sources said on Thursday.
Sources said that the miscreants were nabbed by a team of Special Staff of Dwarka District.
“The miscreants fired upon a police party and there was a brief exchange of fire after which all four of them surrendered before the police,” they said adding none was injured or hit by a bullet in the process.
According to sources, these four miscreants’ names had come up during the investigation of a murder of a car rider in Baba Haridas Nagar two days ago.
It was learnt that the police had prior information about their presence in that area. Sources said that following this information, a police team was constituted which was sent to conduct a raid.
As the miscreants saw the police personnel they started firing at them. “There was an exchange of 8-10 rounds of fire between the police and the criminals. Fearing being killed in the police encounter, the miscreants surrendered before the police,” said a source.
He said that senior officials have also visited the spot to assess the situation. Further details are awaited.