Within 24 hours police rescued a 10-year-old boy who was kidnapped in Northeast Delhi’s Jyoti Nagar area on Monday. Police said two youths were arrested while search was on for another. Police claimed a cousin of the child had planned the kidnapping to earn quick money.
A senior police officer said two youths- Danish (22) and Tariq (21) were arrested. Both of them hailed from Badaun in Uttar Pradesh. Tariq was still working in a factory run by the child’s father while Danish was working in another factory in Vishwas Nagar.
The officer said on Monday when the boy, a resident of Kardampuri near West Jyoti Nagar was returning from tuition along with his sister, two men approached them and asked for the address of their uncle. The boy stayed with the men to show them the way to his uncle’s house while his sister returned home. An hour passed but the boy did not reach home.
The officer said police came to know about the kidnapping on Tuesday after the boy’s father got calls from the kidnappers demanding Rs 1 crore. Following which, a case was registered at the Jyoti Nagar police station and investigations were taken up.
“The child was taken to Panipat and kept there for one night. The next day he was brought to Delhi. Tracing the calls made from Panipat and Delhi, police zeroed in on the two men. During sustained interrogation, the duo named one Mohsin, son of the victim’s aunt , as mastermind behind the kidnapping.