Delhi’s Zoo authorities are taking special care of animals through the summer care management plan amid the ongoing severe heat wave in the national capital.
In view of the rise in maximum temperature during the day, special arrangements of water coolers, water pools and sprinkles among others have been made for animals in Delhi’s National Zoological Park.
Talking to a news agency about the summer care management plan for Zoo Animals, IFS officer Sanjeet Kumar, Director of National Zoological Park, Delhi, said besides water pools, and sprinkling of water, they have also introduced a proper diet plan to take care of animals in summer. He also talked about medical care facilities that were being provided to animals inside the zoo.
Kumar said seasonal fruits are made available for primates, bears, herbivores and elephants.
“We are fully prepared with life-saving medicines and emergency services if our animals get sick,” he said, adding that fortunately till now not a single one has faced any heatstroke or sickness. He also said veterinary doctors are available to take care of animals,” the officer said.
The staff of the animal section is to remain vigilant during peak hours of the day and inform the Zoo Hospital in case any behavioural change is noticed, the zoo authority said.
The Zoo authorities also said animals are released in exhibit shift-wise so that animals do not get exposed to heat for a longer time.
For the Carnivore animal enclosures, twin water pools are available in the exhibit and back kraals and water are being kept filled up alternatively. Water in the pools remained in running condition during peak hours of the day.
The Zoo authorities are taking care of stagnant water from all water moats and they are being pumped out followed by cleaning, disinfection and refilling wherever possible.
Sprinklers are made available in all carnivore enclosures including tiger, lion, leopard, jackal, hyena, wolf, wild dog and Indian fox, and water coolers are being placed in all the holding cells and regular checking of the coolers by the day and night keepers.
He said the diet of carnivorous animals is reduced as per the summer diet. They are also providing enough fruits and liquid diets to other animals.
Artificial sheds made up of bamboo Tati (mat) and straw are provided at different locations of the enclosure to allow the deer to take rest underneath and a minimum of three times water showers are given to tuskers using a pressure pump, and sand moulds have been placed in all the elephant enclosures.
Fruit Ice balls are prepared every day and distributed to bears in the Zoo, the authority said.
Sidewall curtains are made available during the daytime to protect the birds from hot blowing wind, the authority said.
The authority added that water was sprinkled on side wall curtains, floors and rooftops.