Delhi Revenue Minister Atishi, on Friday, ordered a magisterial inquiry into the reported death of 14 inmates at the Asha Kiran shelter home, run by the government in Rohini here.
In a note to the ACS, Revenue, Atishi said, “Today, I have come across a news report about the 14 deaths since January, 2024, in the government ‘home for the mentally challenged’ (Asha Kiran) located at Rohini, Delhi. These deaths reportedly occurred due to health issues and malnutrition which indicates lack of availability of requisite facilities to the inmates.”
“It is very shocking to hear such bad news in the capital city of Delhi. We cannot tolerate such lapses, if found true,” she said.
Stating that this is a very serious issue, the minister said this needs to be thoroughly investigated in order to take hard steps to revamp the whole system to improve the conditions of all such homes to provide better facilities to the inmates.
She directed the ACS to immediately initiate a magisterial inquiry into the whole matter as reported in the news report and submit a report on the same within 48 hours.
The Minister asked the official to recommend action against those whose negligence has caused these deaths measures to be taken to prevent recurrence of such incidents in future.