Sharing the current data regarding heat stroke patients at Delhi government hospitals, Health Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj on Thursday said that about 310 such patients were admitted in the recent past, including 14 who died. The deceased already had some previous serious illness like cancer, kidney issue, which led to worsening of their condition, resulting in death.
The minister added that 112 patients out of the total heat stroke patients have recovered and returned to their homes.
He said that the Delhi government is keeping a close watch on the situation, and across all its hospitals while adequate medicines and environment have been arranged smoothly for the treatment of heat stroke patients.
Bharadwaj on Thursday inspected Madan Mohan Malviya Hospital, engaging with patients afflicted by heat strokes.
During his visit, he assessed the patients’ conditions and the hospital’s treatment facilities.
The minister further said that the government’s effort is that as soon as they find any heat stroke patient, they should be immediately admitted to the nearest Delhi government hospital and their treatment should be started so that their life can be saved.
During his surprise visit, Bharadwaj interacted with doctors, stressing the importance of preventive measures against heat-related illnesses and directed them to ensure the availability of all necessary amenities.
Additionally, he evaluated the hospital’s provisions for medicines, water, electricity, and air cooling systems.
The Delhi Health Minister has urged the public to take precautions to mitigate the effects of the severe heat.
Bharadwaj has also said that the heat in Delhi has increased a lot in the past few days, and even the minimum temperature has been measured at 38 degrees C, he added.
Due to the heat, the number of heat stroke patients has increased in the entire North India, the AAP leader claimed, and further said that due to the situation, he and other officials concerned have come to the Delhi Government’s hospital to take a closer look at the arrangements.
“All the medicines, injections, ice packs etc, are available in sufficient quantities for heat stroke patients in the hospital. Along with this, adequate arrangements have also been made in the hospital to keep the heat stroke patients cool,” the Delhi Health Minister claimed.
The Minister further informed that the Delhi government has also written to the Delhi Police Commissioner, and appealed that in case a Delhi Police personnel, while patrolling at night notices any sick person on the road, then he should take that person to the hospital or inform the ambulance service so that that person can be rushed to the hospital and treated immediately.
Bharadwaj added that to help such patients, the Delhi Health Ministry has issued instructions to CATs Ambulance Services that five ambulances each should be arranged in 11 different districts of the city, which will immediately take such patients suffering from heat stroke to the hospitals.
The senior AAP leader also added that special care should be taken around night shelters and if any such patient is seen, they must be rushed to the hospital.
He also appealed to the people of Delhi, requesting to avoid the heat, especially those who are into field work like security guards, mechanics and labourers, and asked them to take adequate measures.