Delhi Finance minister Atishi on Monday announced ‘Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojna’ to provide Rs 1,000 per month to each woman above 18 years of age in the year 2024-25.
Presenting her maiden budget for the Financial Year 2024-25, dubbed to be based on the concept of ‘Ram Rajya’, the minister said, “Whenever a daughter or sister in our families comes home, her elder brother or father gives her some money because they want their sister or daughter to fulfill her needs without being dependent on anyone. Today, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, fulfilling the duty of being an elder brother, and a son, is bringing the ‘Mukhyamantri Mahila Samman Yojna’ in the year 2024-25.”
Atishi said under this scheme, every woman above the age of 18 years will be eligible to receive an honorarium of Rs 1,000 per month.
“So, whether she is a daughter studying in college needing extra books, a daughter preparing for a government job needing coaching, or a woman wishing to watch a movie in a cinema hall; now, they won’t have to ask for money from anyone for their expenses because their brother Arvind Kejriwal will provide them with Rs 1,000 every month,” she said.
Pointing out that ever since Kejriwal became the Chief Minister of Delhi, he has worked for people of all sections of the society, Atishi said, “If Arvind Kejriwal has done the most work for anyone, it is for the women of Delhi. I can confidently say that in comparison to 2014 and 2024, there has been a significant change in the lives of women in Delhi. The government has resolved their daily problems and provided them with an opportunity to live a better life.”
The minister further said, “It is written in our scriptures, where the women are worshiped and respected; gods reside there, and where women are not honored, all the good deeds performed there become fruitless.”
“I trust that due to the efforts made for ensuring women’s safety and dignity in Delhi, everyone will receive the blessings of Lord Shri Ram,” added Atishi.
She said Rs 2,000 crore has been earmarked for the scheme.