Delhi Chief Minister Atishi has issued directions to declare November 7 as a public holiday to mark Chhath Mahaparv after receiving a letter from Lieutenant Governor Vinai Kumar Saxena requesting her to this effect.
In the letter, the LG wrote, “This year November 7 is already a restricted holiday and I request the government to declare it as a public holiday at the earliest.”
Issuing the order, Atishi said, “Chhath Puja is an important festival for the people of Delhi. Therefore, the Delhi government has decided to declare a public holiday on November 7, 2024, on the occasion of Chhath Puja.”
Sharing the news on her X handle, the AAP leader wrote, “I am pleased to announce that the Delhi Government has decided to observe a holiday on November 7 for Chhath, so that all Purvanchali brothers and sisters can celebrate the festival with enthusiasm.”