The Delhi BJP on Monday took to streets across the 14 districts of the city against the power purchase agreement charge, pension surcharge, meter charge and the load surcharge, alleging that electricity bills were unusually spiked in the national capital.
Led by Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva, saffron party workers at 14 major power distribution companies offices across various parts of the city.
Sachdeva during the protest alleged that the Kejriwal government has been continuously deceiving the people of Delhi in the name of electricity surcharge.
He further hit out at Delhi government, claiming that, in collusion with power companies, the state government has been charging more money from the consumer, and alleged that it was going in the pockets of Kejriwal and the power companies in the name of surcharges.
Sachdeva further alleged that the power distribution companies, with the backing of the Kejriwal government, are today collecting pensions for their retired employees from the consumers under the name of the Pension Trust, whereas it is the responsibility of the power company, not the people of the city , to provide for pensions.
He questioned that when a fee is charged while installing a new electricity meter, why is the Kejriwal government still charging meter rent every month.
He also questioned why and how people were being charged in the name of load charges, adding that if someone uses 3-4.5 kilowatts of electricity during an event at home, the power companies send bills for 5 kilowatts and then start billing the same amount from the next month.
He added that the saffron party will not stop and will continue to protest alongside the people of Delhi and will go door-to-door to inform everyone about this alleged looting in the name of electricity.
At a protest outside a substation Building in Karol Bagh, New Delhi MP Bansuri Swaraj addressed the protesters and alleged that in recent years, a worrying partnership has emerged between the Kejriwal government and private discoms.
During the BJP’s tenure, no PPAC was implemented, but under the leadership of CM Kejriwal over a decade, PPAC has increased from 1.5 per cent to nearly 45 per cent, putting a significant burden on the citizens of Delhi, she claimed.
Delhi BJP MLAs and newly elected MPs including Kamaljeet Sehrawat, Bansuri Swaraj and leaders like Vishnu Mittal and others took part in the protest staged across all districts of the city.