Delhi BJP president Virendra Sachdeva on Saturday came down heavily on AAP Chief Arvind Kejriwal, alleging that the CM House, which he dubbed as “Sheesh Mahal,” is a hub of corruption. Sachdeva also called for the immediate closure of the camp office at the CM House, saying that since Kejriwal is in jail, the expenses on it should not be borne by the exchequer.
Accompanied by other Delhi BJP leaders, including former Delhi Mayor Jai Prakash, Delhi BJP Media Department Head Praveen Shankar Kapoor and Vikram Mittal, Sachdeva erected a board near the Delhi CM’s residence at Civil Lines, branding the CM House as “SHEESH MAHAL,” and depicting it as a hub of corruption.
Sharpening his attack, Sachdeva alleged that the CM residence served as the epicentre for orchestrating corruption, due to which the development of Delhi is getting stalled.
Speaking to reporters after affixing the board, the Delhi BJP chief claimed that the people of the city, who elected Kejriwal as their CM, are ashamed as they hear a new story of corruption by the government every now and then.
Speaking about the alleged excise policy scam, Sachdeva claimed that the statements of approvers in the case suggest that the deals of the scam were cooked up in the CM House and that the palatial house had been illegally constructed. He added that this is why he named it ‘Sheesh Mahal.’