Delhi BJP President Virendra Sachdeva, in a video released on Tuesday morning, alleged extravagant spending on the renovation of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s residence at 6 Flag Staff Road during his tenure.
Sachdeva criticized Kejriwal, accusing the AAP leader—who often projects himself as a “commoner”—of constructing a “palace” with taxpayers’ money.
The BJP leader further alleged that Kejriwal deliberately kept his “resort-like bungalow” hidden from the public to maintain an image of simplicity. He described the property as a blatant symbol of corruption in Delhi.
Sachdeva claimed that the funds spent on the property’s luxurious revamp, fittings, and fixtures could have been utilized to build at least 34 DDA EWS flats, 15 LIG flats, 150 CNG autos, or 326 e-rickshaws, which would have provided employment opportunities for the underprivileged.
Highlighting the alleged hypocrisy, Sachdeva pointed out that Kejriwal—who once promised not to use official bungalows, vehicles, or security—has been exposed through the video showing the opulent mansion.
The purported video showcases features such as Italian marble flooring, a gymnasium, and extravagant bathrooms, symbolizing luxury rather than simplicity.
Sachdeva called on Delhi residents to reconsider their choice of leadership, alleging that public funds were misused for personal indulgence instead of being directed toward governance and welfare.