The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) will organise ‘Dilli Deepotsav’ on November 13 in the run-up to Dev Deepawali, Guru Purab and Bhagwan Birsa Munda’s 150th Jayanti. Over 3,50,000 Diyas will be lit at the newly developed Vasudev Ghat near the Kashmere Gate- ISBT by people from various walks of life attending the event, which would also include students and artists.
Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena will perform Yamuna Aarti on the occasion at the Vasudev Ghat, according to the LG office. A grand Ram Darbar, will also be housed in the ‘Baradari’ at Vasudev Ghat.
Inaugurated earlier this March, the ghat stands as a testament to Delhi LG’s commitment to rejuvenation of the Yamuna and its floodplain by bringing the people of the city closer to the river and making them stakeholders in its cleaning. Dilli Deepotsav will serve as marking the confluence between spirituality and environmental sustainability.The ghat showcases India’s rich cultural heritage with sculptures and artefacts sourced from various states across the country.
A grand Yamuna Aarti, which is now happening twice a week regularly since early this year at the ghat, accompanied by a mesmerising drone show, will elevate the spiritual ambiance. The synchronisation of light, sound, and movement is aimed at creating a spectacular experience for all the visitors.
The ghat features landscaped gardens, kuccha walking paths and cultural spaces, making it a perfect destination as an open public green that is being developed all across the city by DDA under the LG’s guidance.