J&K CM Omar Abdullah lays stress on Himachal Pradesh-type laws to protect agricultural land
The Chief Minister noted that Himachal Pradesh has adopted a strict policy in this regard and stressed the adoption of a similar policy in J&K.
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Extending liberal credit facilities to farmers in Himachal Pradesh, the state government is endeavoring to boost the agrarian economy.
The initiative is being taken by the state government in close coordination with the banking sector to help farmers double their income by the year 2022.
These efforts in Agriculture sector will boost the agrarian economy and help the farmers to double their income by the year 2022.
An official spokesperson said here on Sunday that awareness campaign has been launched by member banks in association with Agriculture and Horticulture departments to popularize ‘Kisan Credit Card’ scheme.
Banks have come forward to provide lending facility to farmers in a big way under this scheme to meet out their short term credit needs of crops cultivation, he said, adding that more than 1.62 lakh farmers have availed credit facility of Rs. 3000 crore under this scheme during last year.
The State Government with the help of National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) has laid special emphasis on increasing the investment credit to the Agriculture sector keeping in view the importance of this sector in the state economy.
District wise potential linked credit plans have been prepared according to the local potential available in the area, he added.
The selection of farm linked activities has been made after wide consultation with the stakeholders. Rs. 22390 crore potential linked credit plan has been approved for the financial year 2018-19.
Various banks under their financial inclusion campaign, have opened about 10.30 lakh ‘PradhanMantriJandhan Accounts’ and about 11.60 lakh account holders have been enrolled under ‘Pradhan Mantra SurakshaBimaYojna’. More than 90 percent accounts have been seeded with Aadhar number in the state.
“Keeping in view the role of Aadhar in Digital India Programme, about 167 Aadhar Enrolment and UpdationCentres have been proposed to be opened in selected branches in the state. Efforts are being made to ensure activation of such identified centres in a time bound manner,” said the spokesperson.
In Himachal at present, banks have network of 2128 branches and about 1937 ATM’s are providing facilities to the customers, he said, adding that efforts are being made to increase the number of ATM’s so that people of rural area can be facilitated.
About 2000 ‘Bank Mitras’ have been deployed by various banks to provide banking services in remote areas where opening of bank branches is not feasible, he added.