Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) chief spokesperson, Randhir Sharma on Wednesday said that the Opposition Congress was in haste to evaluate the performance of the newly formed BJP government in Himachal Pradesh.
“The Congress initially said that it would give hundred days to BJP to perform and then speak on its functioning. But it has started criticising the government on non-issues in 45 days,” Sharma said.
While talking to mediapersons, Sharma rubbished the Congress allegation that Chief Minister (CM), Jai Ram Thakur was busy making flights to Delhi. “This is not true. The CM has gone to Delhi twice or thrice in state interest as he meets the Prime Minister and ministers there for development works. But the former Congress chief minister used to misuse the government chopper for personal court cases,” he said.
Sharma said it was a wrong allegation that Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) people were getting appointments in CM office. “This is unjustified. Many BJP leaders are associated with RSS. And they all are very honest and deserving. The BJP government has atleast not kept retired and tired people in CM office.”
The BJP spokesperson justified the extensions or re-employment being given to some people in the present regime, and said they were need based.
“The government will continue with need based extensions in public interest, but will not go in for mass extensions as was done in previous Congress regime, which had given extension or re-employment to 3200 people, mostly on top positions” he said.