Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday directed the Power Minister to prepare a plan to pass on the government subsidy to tenants in the capital.
After receiving grievances from tenants residing in different parts of Delhi during public hearings that they are not getting the benefit of the power concessions being provided by the Delhi Government, the Chief Minister asked Power Minister Satyendar Jain to prepare a roadmap for providing the benefit to each and every tenant residing in the city. The Minister has been asked to submit the proposal.
In a letter to Jain, Kejriwal has asked him to take appropriate steps so that no domestic electricity consumer in Delhi should be deprived of the relief being provided by the government on electricity tariffs.
The Government of Delhi provides 50 percent subsidy on electricity tariffs up to 400 units on domestic electricity connections for all residents of Delhi. However, in several cases, house owners do not pass on the benefit to the tenants, and as a result they are not getting the benefit of this scheme.
In order to do away with this problem, the Chief Minister in his letter has said, rationalizing the rates of electricity consumption has been done to reduce the extra burden of erstwhile enhanced rates on each consumer.
“The plan will help in solving the problems of the tenants who are not receiving the benefit of the much lauded scheme,” Kejriwal said.