Delhi Water Minister Atishi has directed Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar to facilitate coordination among the Delhi Jal Board, Urban Development Department (UDD) and the Finance Department to ensure smooth operation of water and sewer systems in the city, sources in the Delhi government said on Wednesday.
Apart from ensuring the optimal functioning of the sewer and water systems, the minister has also directed the city’s top official to make sure that the grievances regarding these civic utilities are redressed promptly.
The Chief Secretary has also been handed over the responsibility to personally monitor the redressal of all water and sewerage-related grievances with the concerned departments and their officers.
With many grievances regarding sewer overflows, water contamination, water pipeline leakage, and shortage of water repeatedly coming in from various places across the city, the concerned legislators have been raising the issues in the Delhi Assembly.
The Chief Secretary has to ensure that an adequate number of water tankers are made available for all parts of the city as required in the summer months, by monitoring them on a daily basis.
As per the government’s directions regarding the water and sewer issues, all the files that will circulate in the DJB, UDD and Finance Department relating to water and sewerage will have to be routed through the Chief Secretary so that he personally monitors the situation and the overall progress.
The directions by the top official to all the concerned officers regarding the civic amenities will also be directed to the UD Minister and Water Minister.
An overall action taken report regarding grievances, and a report on the issues will be submitted by the Chief Secretary in the CM’s office, the UD Minister and the Water Minister.
He will also have to mention clear timelines on the medium and long-term resolution of the issues causing the above-mentioned grievances.