The Punjab Vigilance Bureau (VB) has arrested Dr Amit Bansal, son of Subhash Bansal, a resident of Chandigarh, for illegal activities at his 22 de-addiction centers being run/owned by him in different parts of the state.
Uzbekistan will be the “Partner Nation” of the Surajkund International Crafts Mela, 2020 as the Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar has accepted the request of Ambassador of Uzbekistan to feature the enchanting nation of Uzbekistan as the Partner Nation of the International Crafts Mela.
While giving this information here today, an official spokesman said that Uzbekistan and India share centuries-old diplomatic and historical ties and the Uzbek people have an enormous amount of goodwill and affection towards India.
He said that the participation of Uzbekistan as a Partner Nation in the forthcoming Surajkund International Crafts Mela would not only strengthen the age-old historic ties between the two nations but also add a lot of colour and festivity to the Mela.