Punjab Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh said on Saturday the Bharatiya Janata Party’s candidate from Gurdaspur, Sunny Deol, was fighting the election under pressure from BJP as he owed several crores of rupees to different banks.
Dismissing any threat to Congress party’s Gurdaspur candidate Sunil Jakhar from Sunny Deol, the CM said the Bollywood actor had no stakes in Punjab and would run away immediately after the elections.
Sunny Deol, he said, was fighting the election under pressure from BJP as he owed several crores of rupees to the banks.
Sunny had no knowledge of politics and was not even aware of the Balakot air strikes, said Amarinder as he referred to the actor’s statement that he didn’t have much knowledge about the Indian Army operation on Pakistan soil.
Earlier, Jakhar also took a dig at Sunny Deol, saying while he might be adept at singing and dancing around and pulling pumps out of the soil, he did not know anything about Gurdaspur or the problems of its people.
Jakhar said just as he could not sing and dance, Sunny had no idea about politics or being an effective representative of the people. “I may not be able to entertain you but I will solve your problems by helping reopen sugar mills and setting up medical colleges,” he said, urging the people to vote for the future of the country.
“You are responsible for yours and your children’s future. Do you want your children to get jobs or sell pakodas?” Jakhar asked the people.
Describing Modi as “a shameless liar” who was like the “MD of a fly-by-night fake chit fund company”, Jakhar said these elections were a fight between truth and lies, and that the people had to decide what they wanted.