He said an attempt was being made by some vested interests to push the matter for a change in the status of Panjab University into a Central University on one pretext or the other. Be it river waters-sharing, Punjabi-speaking areas of Chandigarh being made the state’s capital, Punjab has been a victim of infringement of state rights, he said.
Opposing the resolution, Bharatiya Janata Party legislator Jangi Lal Mahajan said the resolution was to mislead the general public as there was no such proposal by the Centre to change the university’s status. He said the Punjab government had failed to give the 40 per cent grant to Panjab University.
The resolution said “since its inception, the Panjab University has been continuously and uninterruptedly functioning in the State of Punjab. It was shifted from Lahore, the then capital of Punjab, to Hoshiarpur and then to Chandigarh, the capital of Punjab. More than 175 colleges of Punjab, which are situated in the districts of Fazilka, Ferozpur, Hoshiarpur, Ludhiana, Moga, Sri Muktsar Sahib and SBS Nagar, are affiliated with the Panjab University at present.
“The entire territorial jurisdiction and the populace, which the Panjab University is catering to, falls majorly in the state of Punjab, in addition to the area under Union Territory of Chandigarh, which despite many resolutions of this august house has not been restored as the capital of Punjab state only and continues to be a Union Territory.” it read.